Books Prints LILITH'S LAUGHTER - Fosco Culto 32,00 € Format : 42 x 30 cm Impression Fine Art sur papier haut de gamme Hahnemühle German Etching 310 g/m² Ajouter au panier
Books Prints DATURA - Hens Tongue 30,00 € Taille: 30 x 30cm (12" × 12") ou 50 x 50cm (20" x 20") Impression Fine Art sur papier haut de gamme Hahnemühle German Etching 310 g/m² Ajouter au panier
Books Prints ANCESTORS - Arkadiusz Danovski 32,00 € Impression Fine Art sur papier haut de gamme Hahnemühle German Etching 310 g/m² Ajouter au panier
Books Prints MUSES NO MORE - Ùna Maria Blyth 39,00 € Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women by Ùna Maria Blyth Illustrations by Luciana Lupe Vasconcelos Muses No More: Portraits of Occult Women is a meandering ghost train through the lives, work, politics and beliefs of both familiar and lesser known female occultists from the distant past to the 21st century. From the freedom fighting New Orleans... Ajouter au panier
Publications ON LYCANTHROPY, TRANSFORMATION & ECSTASY OF SORCERERS 17,00 € On Lycanthropy is an essential read for enthusiasts of witchcraft, folklore, and the darker corners of history. For the first time translated to English, this medieval pamphlet marked a particular turn in the history of witchcraft and its representations in popular beliefs where demonic metamorphoses and the witches’ flights start to be interpreted... Ajouter au panier
Books Prints FLOWERS OF BLOOD - Sara Bonadea George 60,00 € Flowers of Blood is a fascinating exploration of the folklore of plants in pre-industrial Sweden. Through a deep dive into the world of the enchanted flora of northern Europe, the author evokes a dreamlike borderland where the numinous is thought to dwell and where each plant and tree is filled with hidden meanings, arcane knowledge and mysterious... Ajouter au panier
Books Prints DIONIS - Fosco Culto 32,00 € Format 42 x 30 cm Impression Fine Art sur papier haut de gamme Hahnemühle German Etching 310 g/m² Ajouter au panier
Books Prints HECATE - QUEEN OF THE WITCHES - Fosco Culto 32,00 € La déesse ancienne et primordiale de l'Inframonde et de la Sorcellerie est représentée dans un cimetière empli de bougies. Sa couronne est constellée des étincelles du feu de la Sorcellerie, son visage est paré du voile noir chatoyant des ténèbres primordiales. Elle est ici la Reine de toutes les créatures de la Nuit. Son regard flamboyant et intense... Ajouter au panier